Holiday Light Installation Seattle | Quick, Easy, and Done Right

Seattle Holiday Lights Installation

Get untan­gled from the mess of hol­i­day lights!

Seattle Holiday Lights

Our mis­sion? To make your hol­i­day light instal­la­tion sim­ply amaz­ing and amaz­ing­ly sim­ple. No more weeks of plan­ning. No more​“one light goes out and they all go out.” No more after­noons spent on a ladder.

Hol­i­day Light Hang­ing in Seat­tle: How Does It Work?

You lease the lights from us, and we han­dle every­thing else, from set­up to take­down (even off-sea­son stor­age). All you need to do is enjoy the display. 

Here’s a peek into our process:

  1. First, we meet with you to dis­cuss your goals, bud­get, and design ideas. Whether you like clas­sic and sim­ple or want cars lin­ing up down the street, we can do it (as long as the job size is a min­i­mum of $1000 in value).
  2. You lease our pre­mi­um, effi­cient lights that per­fect­ly match your vision. We’ll pro­vide the timers and exten­sion cords, too!
  3. Our expert team installs your display.
  4. We use plas­tic clips that are gen­tle on your home (no sta­ples unless you request them).
  5. Have a ques­tion or tech­ni­cal dif­fi­cul­ty? We offer main­te­nance and sup­port all sea­son long.
  6. When you’re all done with the lights, we’ll take them down and store them for you until next year.
  7. Ready to rein­stall? We’ll come back and do it all again!

There are also no con­tracts to sign or com­mit to – we can take it year by year, even chang­ing the dis­play if you’d like.

What Can We Dec­o­rate for You?

  • Rooflines
  • Fas­cia
  • Trees
  • Shrubs
  • Ground Lights
  • Columns…. And MORE!

Why Do We Offer Hol­i­day Lights?

We may be trained hol­i­day light installers, but we also are Seattle’s first choice for paint­ing ser­vices all year long. This means we have an incred­i­ble team already in place, ful­­ly-trained in safe prac­tices, lad­derwork, and we’re licensed and insured.

But let’s back up just a bit.

As you might imag­ine, Novem­ber through Feb­ru­ary can be dif­fi­cult months for a com­pa­ny that relies so heav­i­ly on out­door work. Out of a com­mit­ment to pro­vid­ing sta­ble, full-time, long-term employ­ment for our team, we decid­ed it was time to get creative. 

In 2013 we start­ed Seat­tle Hol­i­day Lights, going door-to-door to share our hol­i­day light ser­vices with past paint­ing clients. The response was incred­i­bly pos­i­tive, and thanks to refer­rals we grew by leaps and bounds every year. We now ser­vice over 200 homes each year through­out Seat­tle and sur­round­ing communities! 

So, are you ready to put your home on our list?

 Seattle Holiday Lights Installation
 Seattle Holiday Lights Installation
 Seattle Holiday Lights Installation
 Seattle Holiday Lights Installation
 Seattle Holiday Lights Installation
 Seattle Holiday Lights Installation
 Seattle Holiday Lights Installation
 Seattle Holiday Lights Installation
 Seattle Holiday Lights Installation

B Prop

I got to work with Rich on my commercial property project in West Seattle. We needed our new garage flooring done to look new and professional. We went with a new epoxy flooring system. Their floors come with a 7 year warranty.

Rich was a pleasure to work with. He communicated great, was on time and even followed up multiple times. The price was competitive with the other 2 quotes I received.

I love a good honest company and I won't hesitate to continue to refer them out!

Angies List

Donna C.

They did a great job. It was a real hard job. The house was in really bad shape so four guys did four days of prep on two sides of my house. They were more expensive, but they were worth every penny. They were worth it to me. They were easy to work with. I had some windows that were painted shut. They were back instantly to fix it.

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Why Work With All Covered Painting

  • We are fully licensed and insured
  • Our team is detail-oriented, from initial project planning and prep to the final cleanup
  • We offer a 7-year warranty and 100% satisfaction guarantee
  • We focus on ongoing training, meaning that we use the best products, tools, and techniques
  • We work carefully, respectfully, and contain our workspace
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